Celebrating Life


Mars Lord

22nd May 2017


Party time.

I had a party this weekend. I was celebrating my birthday, which was last month. You may think that I am intent on celebrating all year. You would be right!

So this week’s blog isn’t so much a blog as me enjoying turning 50. 

Family and Friends

I had a wonderful night surrounded by family and friends. They travelled from Scotland, Staffordshire, Kent, Devon, Cambridge and all over London. Two fabulous DJs played for us throughout the evening and into the early hours. Caribbean food was served (well, I am a Jamaican) and my guests were resplendent in gold and black.

It was wonderful seeing so many people that I love, in one room. There was laughter and dancing. It made my soul sing.

“Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.” -Oprah Winfrey

Coming home from the party I felt truly blessed to be surrounded by people who love me. This week has started with more birthday celebrations and work. I love the work that I do and am very excited to be hosting some amazing workshops, with the gorgeous Nicola Goodall. The workshop facilitator is Ramiro Romero a traditional Columbian midwife and doctor. You can find out about his work here

The workshops are as follows:

17th-18th July Traditional Preconception Medicine – £175
20th July Pregnancy Massage  – £70
10th August The Moonbox – £100
15th August Chumbes for Sexual and Reproductive Feminine Health – £120 includes a Chumbe (retails at £60)
16th August New Masculinities – £85
25th August Care for Miscarriages and Abortions – £70

Normal blogging will return next week.

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