‘I dream a fish’

Mars Lord
30th November 2016
‘I dream a fish’
Just one of the sayings that would fall from my mother’s mouth. ‘I dream a fish. You pregnant?’ Mum would then begin to list people until eventually someone proved to be pregnant.
To dream of swimming fish often signifies pregnancy for the dreamer or for someone the dreamer has a close relationship with. A common belief is that newly pregnant women dream of fish at the same time the womb begins to gather amniotic fluid. Fish dreams can also appear prior to conception.
Fish dreams are not exclusive to pregnancy, as they are a common theme in both men and women. To dream of fish eggs often signifies a subconscious idea coming to fruition. Dreaming of eating fish signifies energy and health. Eating fish in a dream is also considered a sign of good fortune.
‘You don’t need me to tell you anything. You’ll find your way’
That was probably one of the best things that my mum told me. She was visiting me and her brand new grandson. I can’t remember what it was that I was doing, but mum started to speak, then I remember she paused and said ‘You don’t need me to tell you anything. You’ll find your way.’ It was such a boost for me, a new mum, being told by my mum, that I was doing okay.
It took a long time to hear my birth story. It wasn’t something that my mum talked about. She told me how she ‘got in trouble’ for only turning up at the hospital in time to birth me.
We spoke recently about my time at school. I told mum what my careers advisor had told me.. that girls like me didn’t go to university, much less Oxford. She was not happy with me because I didn’t tell her at the time. I’d denied her the ability to go to bat for me.
“You don’t need me to tell you anything. You’ll find your way”
She spends time telling me how proud she is of me. I’m hoping that she tells me stories about her childhood and about my grandmother, who I never knew. Within her stories and sayings, there is wisdom that I wish to tap. Like me, she is a mother of five. She’s now a great grandmother of 3. I would love to know what stories her mother shared with her and what she brought forward in growing her babies. It’s important to me to know my story, as I know my story didn’t begin with me.
What does your mother say? You know, those sayings that are just totally her, that are part wisdom, part ‘just mum’. Have you been fortunate to sit at the feet of your grandmother to hear her stories? I would love to hear them. Why not come and share them with us as we talk about The Wisdom of The Abuela and birth traditions throughout the world. In the words of my mother ‘Stop the coming, and come.’
What a lovely post. I sadly never got to meet my grandparents and my Mother passed away some time ago. So, if you still have parents or grandparents, don’t wait to talk to them, go and see them now. Connect and enjoy them whilst you can.
I love this. I feel very privileged to still have grandparents myself. We often speak about days of old and I will remember the things she says as I get older (and often find myself repeating to my own children!)